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Log in. Forgot password or user name? China - Anhui province reported 5 cases of H7N9 confirmed cases including 2 deaths - 4 cases, including 1 death, are new - December 21, Posts Latest Activity Photos. Page of 1. Filtered by:. Previous template Next. China - Anhui province reported 5 cases of H7N9 confirmed cases including 2 deaths - 4 cases, including 1 death, are new - December 21, December 21,AM.

Xinan Evening News Anhui network www.

The city where the case has been carried out in accordance with the relevant plan for disease prevention and control and medical treatment. Tags: None. December 21,AM. Government report: Our province reported 5 cases of H7N9 cases.

Comment Post Cancel. One case and death is previously known: - Female, 49, reported poultry worker, died December 17, Xuancheng City, Guangde, Anhui province Death. Miyamoto Masakazu. January 18,AM. Temperature at this stage: X-ray showed he was "pneumonia". Afterwards, as he had underlying diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, he was transferred to kidney medical ward. He, however, as his pheumonia got worse on the morning of 19th, he was transferred to ICU again.

He is serious condition at present On the reported date base Exposure to Live birds: Yes, he paid a visit to a market to buy cooking ingredient. Based upon the first survey, His Close contacted person 4 and Medical staffs are waiting the exam-result. January 22,AM. January 22,AM. The first case of Liu Moumou, male, 42 years old, Qiaocheng cattle town Ann slip administrative village residents, engaged in trafficking in poultry work.

The second case of Wang Moumou, female, 35 years old, Qiao District Tangling Street office residents, engaged in pork sales work. Lee Road. January 23,AM. Patients Liu, 44 years old, engaged in trafficking in poultry work.

Patients Wang Moumou, 35 years old, Bozhou City Qiaocheng people, sick before working in the supermarket, January 4 was diagnosed with human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, after admission for a long time in a critical condition. Municipal leaders of the municipal government several instructions, requiring full treatment of patients.

January 21, patients review the indicators normal, medical treatment expert group consultation that the patient has the discharge conditions. January 23, the patient recovered and discharged.

After the patient is discharged, the medical department will do its follow-up health care work.


According to reports, the next step, Bozhou City will continue to attach great importance to H7N9 avian influenza prevention and control work, increase prevention and control efforts, strengthen the joint prevention and control, to expand coverage, improve the ability of early warning and forecasting, and effectively improve the medical level of diagnosis and treatment Handling capacity, in-depth knowledge of prevention and control of universal education, to ensure that the prevention and control measures implemented.

Li Ming. January 24,AM. As for Mr. Liu Moumou is not namethe age is reported as 44 from Bozhou city gov. That is, both of them are official announcement.

Even the official announcement is not the same one. How to treat if there should be any difference in such a case is very difficult. Saying Mr. Bozhou city gov. All rights reserved. Yes No. OK Cancel.